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Ocular Emergencies

  • If you wear contacts remove them immediately. They may hold the chemical against the cornea.
  • Flush your eye immediately with cool water for 15-20 minutes. A water fountain, shower, or garden hose work well.
  • Call the office or office emergency number (423) 605-9610. If no answer, go to the nearest emergency room.
  • Call 911 if there is a piece of metal or glass sticking out of your eye.
  • Do not rub your eye!
  • Wash your hands.
  • Try flushing your eye with water or artificial tears. Gently pull upper and lower lids out and flush underneath them.
  • If you can see object, use a wet Q-tip to gently remove it.
  • If you are unable to remove the foreign body, call the office or if after hours, call (423) 605-9610.

Styes are an infection in the glands along the edge of the eyelid. They can be painful and unsightly, but are usually treatable with warm compresses. Hold the warm compress on the affected eye 10-15 minutes several times a day. The warm compresses will hopefully cause the stye to drain and express itself faster. More severe styes may require oral antibiotics and/or minor surgery. Start with the compresses and call the office for further instructions if there is no improvement in a day or two.

A sock partially filled with dry rice can be placed in the microwave for a few seconds. The sock and rice make a nice compress that holds the heat longer than a wet wash cloth. Be sure not to burn your eyelid with the warm compress.

Often, sudden loss of vision requires urgent attention. It can represent something relatively benign such as dry eyes, or be a warning sign of a stroke. Depending on the cause, the vision loss can be either permanent or transient. Proper diagnosis and management requires a meticulous case history and examination. Appropriate management can oftentimes save vision and lives.

Please call our office to order replacement lenses or stop by to have your glasses repaired.

Because flashes and floaters can be a sign of a serious problem, you should contact our office when:

  • You see floaters and or flashes for the first time.
  • You notice an increase in size or number of floaters.
  • You experience a sudden onset of flashes.
  • You see a shade or curtain in your side vision.

Usually no serious problem is found, but a dilated eye examination is important to rule out damage to the retina that requires immediate treatment to prevent permanent vision loss.

There are four basic types:

  1. Bacterial
  2. Viral
  3. Allergic
  4. Chemical/Contact

If you suspect conjunctivitis, contact our office as soon as possible. We can determine the cause and the best course of treatment for your particular type of red eye.